All of the content and skills you need to know for your exams is covered in detail in your Ace It! study guide. You can progress through the year’s curriculum at your own pace and in your own time. There are Quick Quizzes after every section of work to test your understanding, giving you control over the sections that you need to focus on.
Ace It! also hones in on common problem areas, which your teacher might not have the time to do. Rather than skipping over what you don’t fully understand, you can take control of your learning and use Ace It! in your own time to make sure that you’ve got it right.
You can use Ace It! throughout the year to supplement your school textbook and teacher’s notes. Or you can just use it for revision before the exams. However you choose to use it, Ace It! is the only study guide you’ll need.
It may seem simple, but there is some tricky content in Technology Grade 9 including drawing skills, structures and all kinds of systems. Ace it! Technology Grade 9 has been developed to simplify this content and present it in a format that makes it easier to learn, understand and remember. Step-by-step worked examples, detailed diagrams and exercises will help you to ensure that you have grasped a particular concept fully, before moving on.
Much of the content in Technology Grade 9 is applicable to Physical Sciences in Grade 10 onwards, so it’s a good idea to build a solid foundation for yourself if you plan to take that subject next year. Even if you aren’t planning to take Physical Sciences, Technology is an important subject with plenty of real-world application. Either way, Ace it! Technology Grade 9 is a great tool for your revision, and will help you to earn great marks in your exams and practical assessments.
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